Welcome to the website of "PharmRegS LLC"
We offer a wide range of services in the field of expertise and registration of pharmaceutical products, as well as services for conducting clinical and preclinical trials of medicinal products.
  • Professionalism
Our motto:
  • A personalized approach to
  • Confidentiality
  • Systematic approach
each client.
PharmRegS LLC was founded in 2008.
PharmRegS LLC's mission is to professionally assist pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in registering their products in the Russian Federation and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The experience and expertise of PharmRegS LLC's team are focused on accelerating the process of bringing high-quality, effective, and safe products to the pharmaceutical market, both from domestic and international manufacturers.

PharmRegS LLC is a reliable partner, ready to help you find the most effective solution to any, even the most unique, challenge, prioritizing our mutual interests.
Moscow, 117105, Varshavskoye Highway, Building 1, Block 6.
© ООО «ФармРегС»
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